William Buell Sprague is buried at Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, New York.

William Buell Sprague is buried at Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, New York.

The Duty of a Christian Minister Explained and Enforced: A Sermon, Delivered at the Installation of the Rev. Orin Fowler (1820)

A Sermon, Preached January 3, 1821, at the Interment of the Rev. Joseph Lathrop, D.D. (1821)

A Sermon, Preached May 15, 1821, at the Interment of Mrs. Elizabeth Lathrop, Relict of the Rev. Joseph Lathrop, D.D. (1821)

The Tribute of a Mourning Husband (1821)

Letters on Practical Subjects, From a Clergyman of New-England, To His Daughter (1822)

Letters on Practical Subjects, To a Daughter (1822, 1846)

Letters on Practical Subjects, To a Daughter (1822, 1855)

The Danger of Evil Company: A Sermon, Preached in West Springfield, March 30th, 1823 (1823)

An Historical Discourse, Delivered at West Springfield, December 2, 1824 (Thanksgiving Sermon) (1825)

A Sermon Delivered at the Ordination of the Reverend Wales Tileston: To the Pastoral Care of the Congregational Church in Charlemont, March 16, 1825 (1825)

The Claims of Past and Future Generations on Civil Rulers: A Sermon, Preached at the Annual Election (1825)

Wicked Men Ensnared by Themselves: A Sermon Preached, December 16, 1825, in the Second Parish of West Springfield, at the Interment of Samuel Leonard, and Mrs. Harriet Leonard, His Wife; The Former of Whom Murdered the Latter, and Then Committed Suicide. With an Appendix (1826)

The Purpose of God in Afflicting Ministers: A Sermon, Preached at South Hadley, April 30, 1826, the Sabbath Immediately Succeeding the Death of Mrs. Abigail E. Boies, Wife of the Reverend Artemas Boies (1826)

The Mediation of Christ the Ground of the Believer’s Triumph (1826)

The Gospel the Wisdom of God: A Sermon Preached at Salem, February 14, 1827, at the Ordination of the Rev. John C. Cleaveland, as Pastor of the Tabernacle Church (1827)

Intemperance, a Just Cause For Alarm and Exertion: A Sermon, Preached at West Springfield, April 5th, 1827, the Day of the Annual Fast (1827)

Character of Jesus Christ: A Sermon Delivered June 13, 1827, Before the Hampden Association of Ministers (1827)

Religious Celebration of Independence: A Discourse Delivered at Northampton, on the Fourth of July, 1827 (1827)

Letters From Europe, in 1828 (1828)

April 4, 1829 Letter to James Madison (1829)

A Sermon Preached at West Springfield, on the Resignation of the Author's Pastoral Charge, July 26, 1829 (1829)

Causes of an Unsuccessful Ministry: Two Sermons (1829)

An Address Delivered in the South Dutch Church, Albany, October 6, 1829, on the Anniversary of the County Sabbath School Union (1829)

An Address, Adapted to the Monthly Concert of Prayer (1830)

Revealed Religion, the Only Source of True Happiness (1830)

A Discourse Delivered at Castleton, May 27, 1830, at the Opening of the Vermont Classical Seminary (1830)

A Sermon, Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, on the Fourth of July, 1830 (1830)

A Sermon, Addressed to the Second Congregational Society, in Greenwich, Connecticut: September 1, 1830, at the Installation of the Reverend Joel Mann, as Their Pastor (1830)

November 14, 1830 Letter to James Madison (1830)

Lectures to Young People (1830)

Lectures to Young People (1830, 1835)

The Probability of Perdition Inferred From Present Impenitence (1831)

The Wicked Surprised By Their Own Destruction (1831)

Review of the Works of the Rev. Robert Hall (1831)

December 12, 1831 Letter to James Madison (1831)

Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1832)

Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1832, 1833)

Lectures on Revivals of Religion [w/additional letters] (1832, 1833)

Character and Writings of Dr. Mason (1832)

Dickinson’s Prize Letters (1832)

The God of the Christian and the God of the Infidel (1832)

Choosing the Good Part (1832)

Review of The Annual of the Board of Education of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (1833)

February 6, 1833 Letter to James Madison (1833)

Character and Works of Jay (1833)

A Discourse Delivered on Sabbath Evening, March 17, 1833, in St. Peter's Church, in Aid of the Albany Apprentices' Library, at the Request of the Trustees (1833)

Review of Cox on Quakerism (1833)

The Bible the Christian’s Standard (1834)

Decorum Due to Public Worship (1834)

Reflections on the Life and Character of Balaam (1834)

An Oration Commemorative of the Late General Lafayette (1834)

Hints Designed to Regulate the Intercourse of Christians (1834)

The Conduct of Sinners Tested by the Rules of Worldly Wisdom (1834)

Conscientious Objections Against Coming to the Lord’s Table Answered (1834)

A Sermon Preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Sabbath Evening, May 11, 1834…in Behalf of the Polish Exiles Lately Arrived in this Country (1834)

Review of the Memoirs of Matthew Henry (1834)

Review of the Works of Rev. John Angell James (1834)

Danger of Being Overwise (1835)

Dr. Sprague's Reply to Professor Stuart's Letter Addressed to Him Through the American Temperance Intelligencer of August, 1835, Relative to His Late Sermon on the Exclusion of Wine From the Lord's Supper (1835)

Religious Ultraism: A Sermon Delivered August 25, 1835, at the Installation of the Rev. John H. Hunter, as Pastor of the First Congregational Church in West Springfield, Massachusetts (1835)

Introduction to August A. Jakubowski, The Remembrances of a Polish Exile (1835, 1836)

An Address to Theological Students on Ministerial Fidelity and Prudence (1835, 1836)

Correspondence, &c. Between E.C. Delavan and the Rev. Dr. Sprague (1837)

A Sermon Delivered March 22, 1837, at the Ordination and Installation of the Rev. Montgomery T. Goodale, as Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Amsterdam Village (1837)

Tower of Babel: A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, May 11th, 1837 (1837)

Introduction to Timothy M. Cooley, Sketches of the Life and Character of the Rev. Lemuel Haynes, A.M. (1837)

A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, March 4, 1838, the Sabbath After Intelligence was Received that the Hon. Jonathan Cilley, Member of Congress from Maine, Had been shot in a Duel with the Hon. William J. Graves, Member from Kentucky (1838)

The Abounding Grace of the Gospel (1838)

Destructive Consequences of Self-Flattery (1838)

An Address Delivered on the Evening of December 4, 1838, Before the Young Men’s Association For Mutual Improvement in Albany, as Introductory to Their Annual Course of Lectures (1838)

Lectures Illustrating the Contrast Between True Christianity and Various Other Systems (1838)

Memoir of the Rev. Edward D. Griffin, D.D. (1838)

A Sermon, Delivered Dec. 19, 1838, at the Ordination of A. Augustus Wood as Pastor of the First Congregational Church, West-Springfield (1839)

I Would Not Live Alway (1839)

The Crown of Thorns and the Many Crowns (1839)

Memoir of the Rev. Edward D. Griffin, D.D. (1839)

Voice of the Rod: A Sermon, Delivered at Albany, May 14, 1841, the Day of the National Fast, Occasioned by the Death of the Late William Henry Harrison, President of the United States (1841)

Do Not Marry a Fop (1841)

A Mighty Saviour: A Sermon (1841)

Great Labor Essential to Great Acquirements or Achievements (1842, 1843)

Review of Life and Writings of Ebenezer Porter Mason (1843)

A Sermon Delivered in Connection with the Anniversary of the Foreign Evangelical Society, in the Reformed Dutch Church, Lafayette Place, New-York, on Sabbath evening, May 7, 1843 and Subsequently Repeated by Request of Said Society, in Albany and Philadelphia (1843)

An Address Delivered August 16, 1843, Before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa in Yale College (1843)

A Discourse on True Magnanimity, Addressed Particularly to Young Men, and Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church in Albany, February 25, 1844 (1844)

A Discourse Pronounced July 30, 1844 Before the Philomathesian Society in Middlebury College (1844)

An Address Delivered at the Close of the Annual Examination of the Young Ladies’ Institute, Pittsfield, Mass., September 28, 1844 (1844)

A Sermon Preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, February 9, 1845, the Sabbath Immediately Succeeding the Death of Mrs. Oliver S. Strong, of Jersey City, Daughter of Archibald McIntyre, Esq. of Albany (1845)

A Discourse Delivered on Sabbath Evening, August 17, 1845, Before the Mills Society of Inquiry and the Theological Society of Williams College (1845)

A Sermon Delivered Aug. 27, 1845, at the Installation of Malcolm N. McLaren, to the First Presbyterian Church, Rochester (1845)

Letters to Young Men, Founded on the History of Joseph (1845)

Life of Timothy Dwight (1845)

A Sermon, Delivered on Sabbath Morning, Jan. 4, 1846, Containing Sketches of the History of the Second Presbyterian Church and Congregation, Albany, During Thirty Years From the Period of Their Organization (1846)

The Divine Benevolence (1846)

A Discourse Delivered on Sabbath Evening, July 19, 1846, Before the Theological Society of Union College (1846)

An Address Delivered August 5, 1846, Before the Hermean Society of Geneva College (1846)

An Address Delivered on the Evening of the Twenty Second of February, MDCCCXLVII. Before the Young Men's Association of the City of Albany (1847)

Two Sermons, on the Promotion of Christianity Amongst the Jews (1847)

On the Life and Death of Rev. Dr. Chalmers (1847)

A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Silas Wright, Late Governor of State of New-York; and Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Sept. 5, 1847 (1847)

An Address, Delivered in the Middle Dutch Church, Albany, at the Funeral of Mrs. Jane Wyckoff, Wife of the Rev. I.N. Wyckoff, D.D., Monday, January 31, 1847 (1848)

An Address Delivered at the Opening of the Brooklyn Female Academy, on Monday Evening, May 4, 1846 (1848)

Man, at His Best State, Vanity (1848)

The Uses and Abuses of Money (1848)

An Address, Delivered Before the Literary Societies of the Wesleyan University [on the character of William Wilberforce] (1848)

An Address at the Opening of the New Edifice For the Howard Sunday School (1848)

A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Hon. Ambrose Spencer, Late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New York: Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, on Sabbath Evening, April 20, 1848 (1849)

An Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Hinsdale Academy, January 11, 1849 (1849)

A Discourse Delivered on Sunday Evening, March 25, 1849: In the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, in Consequence of the Death of the Hon. Timothy S. Williams, Late a Member of the Senate of New York (1849)

An Address Delivered July 24, 1849, Before the United Literary Societies of Hamilton College (1849)

August 9, 1849 Letter to Mr. J.C. Crumbaugh (1849)

Sermons by the Late Rev. James Richards, D.D.: With An Essay on His Character (1849)

Women of the Old and New Testament: A Series of Portraits (1849, 1851)

A Discourse Commemorative of the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D. (1850)

The Buckminsters, Father and Son (1850)

A Discourse, Delivered September 3, 1850, Before the Porter Rhetorical Society, in the Theological Seminary at Andover (1850)

A Discourse Delivered Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Bowdoin College, September 5, 1850 (1850)

Hagar (1850)

The Power of Christianity (1851)

Everett’s Orations and Speeches (1851)

An Oration Pronounced Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 17, 1851 (1851)

Introduction to The Excellent Woman as Described in the Book of Proverbs (1851)

The Golden Calf (1852)

A Discourse Delivered By Request of the Executive Committee of the Board of Foreign Missions, Sabbath Evening, May 2, 1852, in the Church on University Place, New York (1852)

March 1, 1853 Letter to Samuel Miller, Jr. (1853, 1869)

Introduction to The World’s Laconics (1853)

The Ruling Passion: A Sermon to Young Men (1853, 1861)

A Sermon Preached on Sabbath Afternoon, August 21, 1853: In Connection with the Funeral Solemnities of John Boardman, Ruling Elder in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany (1853)

Introduction to Elisha Yale, A Select Verse System, For the Use of Individuals, Families, and Schools (1853)

A Funeral Discourse, Occasioned by the Death of Rev. Joshua Bates (1854)

A Sermon Delivered on Wednesday Evening, June 21, 1854, at the Installation of the Rev. E. Smalley, D.D., as Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Troy (1854)

A Sermon Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, on Sabbath Morning, August 20, 1854; Commemorative of the Character of Mrs. Christina Lee, Widow of the Late Thomas Lee (1854)

A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, Sunday Morning, August 27, 1854, on the Completion of a Quarter of a Century From the Commencement of the Author’s Ministry Among Them (1854)

Introduction to Lucius E. Smith’s Heroes and Martyrs (1854)

Recommendatory Notice for William A. Scott, Daniel: A Model For Young Men (1854)

Visits to European Celebrities (1855)

Monitory Letters to Church Members (1855)

A Sermon Preached March 7, 1855, on Occasion of the Ordination of the Rev. Theron H. Hawkes, and His Installation as Pastor of the First Congregational Church, in West Springfield, Mass. (1855)

The Chess Question Continued (1855)

A Sermon Preached on Wednesday Evening, July 11, 1855, at the Installation of the Rev. Duncan Kennedy, D.D., as Pastor of the Second Street Presbyterian Church, Troy (1855)

A Sermon Preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 27, 1856, on Occasion of the Death of Frederick J. Barnard, Jr. (1856)

A Sermon Preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, July 13, 1856, the Sabbath Morning Immediately Succeeding the Interment of John I. Boyd, and Archibald Campbell (1856)

An Address Delivered at West Springfield, August 25, 1856: On Occasion of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Ordination of the Rev. Joseph Lathrop, D.D. (1856)

The Death of a Wife (1856)

A Sermon Preached on Sabbath Afternoon, January 25, 1857: With Reference to the Death of Nathaniel Davis, Ruling Elder in the Second Pesbyterian Church, Albany (1857)

Men of Business: Their Responsibility in Respect to Governments, Churches, and Benevolent Institutions (1857)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 1 (Trinitarian Congregational) (1857)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 2 (Trinitarian Congregational) (1857)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 3 (Presbyterian) (1858)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 4 (Presbyterian) (1858)

A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation, Albany, Sabbath Morning, March 14, 1858, on Occasion of the Death of Mrs. Alexander Marvin (1858)

A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation, Albany, Sunday Afternoon, May 9, 1858, on Occasion of the Death of the Hon. Archibald McIntyre (1858)

A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation, Albany, on Sunday Morning, September 5, 1858, on the Completion of the Atlantic Telegraph (1858)

An Address Delivered in the Mercer Street Church, New York, December 2, 1858, at the Funeral of Hon. Benjamin Franklin Butler, Late Attorney General of the United States (1859)

Memorials of Mrs. John V.L. Pruyn (1859)

A Sermon Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Sunday Morning, November 6, 1859, on Occasion of the Death of Mrs. Eliza McIntyre, Wife to the Late Hon. Archibald McIntyre (1859)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 5 (Episcopalian) (1859)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 6 (Baptist) (1860)

Joseph: or, The Model Young Man (1860)

Memorial of Cortlandt Van Rensselaer (1860)

In Memoriam of Rev. Timothy Mather Cooley, D.D. (1860)

Our Triennial Catalogue: A Discourse Addressed to the Alumni of Yale College (1860)

A Sermon Having Some Reference to the Character of the Late Rev. Cortlandt van Rensselaer, D.D., Preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Sabbath Morning, September 16, 1860 (1860)

The Close of a Sermon Preached on Sunday Morning, December 9, 1860, With Some Reference to the Death of Miss Ellie P. Frisbee (1860)

Where Art Thou? (1861)

The Crowned Redeemer (1861)

A Discourse Addressed to the First Presbyterian Congregation in Elizabeth, N.J., February 10, 1861, the Sunday Morning Immediately Succeeding the Death of the Rev. Nicholas Murray, D.D., Their Pastor (1861)

A Discourse Delivered Sunday Morning, April 7, 1861, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, in Commemoration of the Late Hon. John McLean, LL.D., One of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (1861)

Glorifying God in the Fires (Thanksgiving Sermon) (1861)

Memoir of the Life of the Rev. Oliver Bronson (1861)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 7 (Methodist) (1861)

Memorial Volume of the First Fifty Years of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1861, 1862)

A Discourse Addressed to the Alumni of the Princeton Theological Seminary, April 30, 1862, on Occasion of the Completion of Its First Half Century (1862)

A Discourse Delivered at Spencertown, N.Y., on Thursday, December 11, 1862, at the Funeral of the Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, D.D., Who, During His Whole Ministry, Was the Subject of Total Blindness (1863)

A Discourse, Delivered on Friday, December 12, 1862, at the Funeral of the Rev. Samuel Osgood, D.D., Late Senior Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Springfield (1863)

Review of Memoirs of the Rev. Nicholas Murray, D. D., (Kirwan) (1863)

A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Rev. Robert Baird, D.D. (1863)

The Undeveloped Resources of the Church (1863)

An Address Delivered in the Evangelical Lutheran Ebenezer Church, Albany, on Occasion of the Funeral of Mrs. Susan C. Pohlman, Wife of the Rev. Henry N. Pohlman, D.D., November 10, 1863 (1863)

Memoir of President Davies (1864)

Memoirs of the Rev. John McDowell, D.D., and the Rev. William A. McDowell, D.D. (1864)

Memoir of Joseph Lathrop, D.D. (1864)

The Influence of the World — Death Comes to All (1864)

January 25, 1864 Letter to John G. Nicolay (1864)

A Discourse Addressed to the United Presbyterian Congregation, Troy, February 21, 1864, the Sabbath Morning Immediately Succeeding the Funeral of the Rev. Peter Bullions, D.D., Their Pastor (1864)

An Address Delivered, March 31, 1864, on Occasion of the Funeral of Rev. John N. Campbell (1864)

A Discourse Delivered August 2, 1864, in Plymouth Church, Syracuse, on Occasion of the Funeral of Rev. Daniel W. Waldo (1864)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 8 (Unitarian) (1865)

A Discourse Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 16, 1865, the Sunday Morning Immediately Succeeding the Assassination of the President of the United States (1865)

An Address, Delivered on the 9th of August, 1865, Before the Phrenakosmian Society of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg (1865)

A Discourse, Delivered Sabbath Morning, September 3, 1865, on Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dedication of the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany (1865)

Recollections of Dr. Dana (1866)

Introduction to D.A. Harsha, The Christian’s Present For All Seasons (1866)

A Discourse, Addressed to the First Presbyterian Congregation of Elizabeth, N.J., October 9, 1867, on the Occasion of the Completion of its Second Century (1867)

A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Rev. John M. Krebs, D.D. Delivered in the Rutgers Presbyterian Church, Corner of Madison Avenue and Forty-Sixth Street, New York, on Sabbath Morning, October 27, 1867 (1867)

An Address Delivered on the Occasion of the Funeral of the Rev. William James, D.D. in the First Presbyterian Church, Albany on Wednesday, February 19, 1868 (1868)

A Discourse Delivered in the First Congregational Church in Northampton, Mass., on the 26th of July, 1868, the Sabbath Immediately Succeeding the Funeral of the Rev. William Allen, D.D. (1868)

Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 9 (Lutheran, Reformed Dutch, Associate, Associate Reformed, Reformed Presbyterian) (1869)

An Address Delivered Sunday, June 20th, 1869, in the First Presbyterian Church, Albany, on Occasion of the Funeral of Alden March, M.D., LL.D. (1870)

Biographical Sketches (Old School Branch) (1870)

August 14, 1870 Letter to J.E. Woodbridge (1870, 1871)

Introduction to Edwin L. Janes, Mementos of Rev. Edward Payson, D.D. (1873)

The Life of Jedidiah Morse, D.D. (1874)

William B. Sprague: His Death and Sketch of His Life (1876)

William Buell Sprague, D.D., LL.D. (1877)

A Biographical Sketch of the Rev. William Buell Sprague, D.D., LL.D. (1877)

William Buel Sprague, D.D., LL.D. (1884)

Biographical Sketch and Bibliography of William Buell Sprague (1912)

Courtesy of Ryan Douthat, Union Presbyterian Seminary (Richmond, VA) Library.

Transcription available here.

Transcription available here.

Transcription available here.

Transcription available here.

Second edition.

Second edition with additional letters.

The first portion of this review is “On the Deportment of Candidates for the Ministry.”

The first portion of this review is “On the Deportment of Candidates for the Ministry.”

Transcription available here.

Transcription available here.

Courtesy of R. Andrew Myers.

On the character of George Washington.

This letter — comprised of reminiscences of Samuel Miller — was published in The Life of Samuel Miller, Vol. 2 (1869) by Samuel Miller, Jr.

Courtesy of Ryan Douthat, Union Presbyterian Seminary (Richmond, VA) Library.

William B. Sprague is the author of Chapter VI, “Early Corporate Members” (“The Founders”).

William B. Sprague is the author of Chapter VI, “Early Corporate Members” (“The Founders”).

Dr. Sprague’s letter to J.E. Woodbridge was read at a meeting of the Edwards family at Stockbridge, Massachusetts in September 1870. It begins at p. 178 of the Memorial Volume of the meeting.