William Craig Brownlee (1784-1860)
William Craig Brownlee is buried at New York City Marble Cemetery, Manhattan, New York.
Gleanings and Hints Towards an Argument For the Authenticity of John v.7 (1824-1825)
A Dissertation on the Nature, Obligations, and Form of a Civil Oath (1825)
Letters in the Roman Catholic Controversy (1834)
Popery: An Enemy to Civil and Religious Liberty; and Dangerous to Our Republic (1836)
Lights and Shadows of Christian Life: Designed for the Instruction of the Young (1837)
The Christian Father at Home: or, A Manual of Parental Instruction (1837)
The Christian Youth's Book; and Manual for Young Communicants (1839)
The Roman Catholic Religion Viewed in the Light of Prophecy and History (1843)
Introduction to Luigi Giustiniani, Papal Rome as It Is (1843)
History of the Dutch Reformed Church (1848, 1849)
Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (1850)
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits (1857)
The Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent (1857)
Memorial of the Rev. William C. Brownlee, D.D. (1860)
An Appeal to the Patriot (n.d.)
Dying Testimony of Believers and Unbelievers: Collected From Authentic Sources (n.d.)