William Hallock Johnson (1865-1963)
William Hallock Johnson is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
Free-Will and Physiological Psychology (1902)
Evolution and Theology To-Day (1903)
Genesis I. and Astronomy (1903)
The Free-Will Problem in Modern Thought (1903)
Was Paul the Founder of Christianity? (1907)
Review of W.M. Ramsay, Pauline and Other Studies in Early Christian History (1907)
Pragmatism, Humanism and Religion (1908)
Princeton in Theological Education and Religious Thought (1912)
The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights (1916)
Does My Neighbor Exist? (1916)
Is the Design Argument Dead? (1919)
Some Strictures on Current Conceptions of Biblical Criticism (1920)
The Finality of Christianity (1920)
Biblical Criticism Proper - Criticism: The Critical Process (1922)
Can the Christian Now Believe in Evolution? (1926)
Does the Behaviorist Have a Mind? (1927)
Princeton Seminary and Its Alumni in Theological Education (1934)
The Keystone of the Arch (1949)