William Henry Green is buried at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Abundance of the Sea: A Sermon and Our National Union: A Sermon (1850)
Discourses at the Inauguration of the Rev. William Henry Green (1851)
Kurtz on the Old Covenant (1851)
The Prophet Obadiah, Expounded by Charles Paul Caspari (1852)
The Jews at K'ae-Fung-Foo (1852)
Christ, the Manifestation of God (1852)
Theology of the Old Testament (1853)
The Religious Significance of Numbers (1853)
The Destiny of Man: An Oration (1853)
Recent Commentaries on the Song of Solomon (1854)
Ebrard on the Apocalypse (1854)
Nahum’s Prophecy Concerning Ninevah (1855)
Jewish Expositions of Malachi (1855)
Monuments of the Umbrian Language (1855)
Lepsius and Brugsch's Travels in Egypt (1855)
Comparative Accentual System of Sanscrit and Greek (1855)
Kurtz’s History of the Old Testament (1856)
The Sacred Writings of the Parsis (1856)
The Mission of Saving Mercy (1857)
Tischendorfs Travels in the East (1857)
Spiegel's Pehlevi Grammar (1857)
A New Edition of Horne’s Introduction to the Scriptures (1857)
The Scope and Plan of the Book of Ecclesiastes (1857)
Hofmann's Prophecy and Fulfillment (1858)
The Old Testament Idea of a Prophet (1859)
The Fulfilment of Prophecy (1861)
The Alexandrine and Sinaitic Manuscripts (1861)
A Grammar of the Hebrew Language (5th ed., 1861, 1888)
Date of the Books of Chronicles (1863)
The Pentateuch Vindicated From the Aspersions of Bishop Colenso (1863)
Davidson’s Introduction to the Old Testament (1864)
The Structure of the Old Testament (1865)
The Value of Physical Science in the Work of Education (1865)
Relations of India With Greece and Rome (1866)
Dr. Williams's New Translation of the Hebrew Prophets (1866)
Special Literature of the Old Testament: Syllabus of Dr. Green’s Lectures (1866)
Old Testament Literature (1866, 1878)
The Position of the Book of Psalms in the Plan of the Old Testament (1867)
The Hebrew Word Yashabh (1867)
A Sermon in Commemoration of the Rev. John Gray, D.D. (1868)
A New Reading of an Old Monument (1870)
The Life of the Prophet Hosea (1871)
Recent Expositions of Daniel (1871)
Assyrian Cuneiform Inscriptions (1872)
A Hebrew Chrestomathy; or, Lessons in Reading and Writing Hebrew (1872)
The Persian Cuneiform Inscription the Key to the Assyrian (1873)
Assyrian Monuments and the Bible (1874)
The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded (1874)
Bible History - Geography of the Bible - Archaeology of the Bible (1875)
The Study of the Hebrew Language (1876)
The Perpetual Authority of the Old Testament (1877)
Genuineness of the Pentateuch (1878)
The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel (1878)
Sermon at the Quarter Century Anniversary of the West Spruce Street Presbyterian Church (1881)
Prof. W. Robertson Smith on the Pentateuch (1882)
Introduction to the Book of Joshua (1883)
The Ark Brought to Zion (1884)
A Mistake to Exclude the Old Testament From the Sunday School (1885)
The Septuagint and Jeroboam (1885)
Reply to Dr. Briggs on the Revised Version of the Old Testament (1885)
The Hebrew Feasts in Their Relation to Recent Critical Hypotheses Concerning the Pentateuch (1885)
The Critics of the Revised Version of the Old Testament (1886)
Hosea viii.12 and Its Testimony to the Pentateuch (1886)
The Critical Analysis of the Pentateuch (1886)
Introduction to Geerhardus Vos, The Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuchal Codes (1886)
Is the Current Critical Division of the Pentateuch Inimical to the Christian Faith? (1887)
Mighty in the Scriptures (1887)
Shall the Analyzed Pentateuch Be Published in The Old Testament Student? (1888)
Semitic Study in the Theological Seminary (1888)
The Pentateuchal Question (1889-1891)
The Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuch (1889)
Old Testament Canon and Philology: A Syllabus of Prof. Wm. Henry Green’s Lectures (1889)
In Memoriam: James Clement Moffat, D.D. (1890)
The Titles of the Psalms (1890)
The Higher Criticism: A Sermon (1892)
Genuineness of Isaiah XL-LXVI (1892)
Moderator’s Opening Sermon (1892)
The Anti-Biblical Higher Criticism (1892)
Christ’s Desire For His People (1893)
Liberty in the Presbyterian Church (1893)
“The Story of the Spies” Once More (1893)
Dr. Briggs' Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch Examined (1893)
Critical Views Respecting the Mosaic Tabernacle (1894)
Klostermann on the Pentateuch (1894)
The Critical Partition of the Narrative of the Deluge (1894)
Pentateuchal Analysis A Failure (1894)
The Moses of the Critics (1894)
The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men (1894)
The Unity of the Pentateuch (1894)
Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuch (1894)
Fallacies of Higher Critics (1895)
The Unity of the Book of Genesis (1895)
The Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch (1895, 1903)
The Jubilee of Prof. William Henry Green (1896)
The Dramatic Character and Integrity of the Book of Job (1897)
General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon (1898)
Elohim and Jehovah in the Pentateuch (1898)
General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Text (1899)
William Henry Green, D.D., LL.D. (1900)
Professor William Henry Green, D.D., LL.D.: In Memoriam (1900)