Willis Judson Beecher (1838-1912)
Willis Judson Beecher is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn, New York.
Farmer Tompkins and His Bibles (1874)
The Logical Methods of Professor Kuenen (1882)
The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah (1880)
Drill Lessons in Hebrew (1883)
Italics in Our English Bibles (1886)
Legislative Restriction of Evils (1888)
Review of John DeWitt, The Psalms (1891)
Class Notes on the Old Testament (1897)
Recent Developments in Biblical Criticism (1900)
The Old Tradition and the New (1903)
Is the Deluge Story in Genesis Self-Contradictory? (1903)
Bible Study and Personal Experience (1904)
Smith’s “Old Testament History” (1904)
Special Biblical Topics: The Added Section in 1 Chron. XI.-XII. (1904)
The Biography of Elijah (1904)
The Prophets and the Promise (1905)
“The Use of the Scriptures in Theology”: A Review (1906)
The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Future Life (1906)
The Dated Events of the Old Testament: Being a Presentation of Old Testament Chronology (1907)