George Dodd Armstrong, D.D. (1813-1899)

George Dodd Armstrong, son of Amzi Armstrong, D.D., was born at Mendham, Morris county, New Jersey, in 1813. Was graduated at Princeton in 1832. Immediately after went to Richmond, Virginia, where his brother, William J. Armstrong, D.D., was then pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. After teaching some years, he entered Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, in 1836. In January, 1838, became Professor of Chemistry and Mechanics in Washington College (now Washington and Lee University), Lexington, Virginia. Was licensed to preach the gospel by the Presbytery of Lexington, in September of the same year. In 1851 resigned his Professorship to accept the pastoral charge of the First Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, Virginia, in which charge he has continued to the present time, 1883. During his residence in Lexington his ministry was eminently acceptable wherever exercised, especially as stated supply in the Church of Timber Ridge.

Dr. Armstrong has been an active, though not a voluminous, writer, from the time he entered the ministry. His first publication in a book form was "The Summer of the Pestilence" - a history, with the author's personal observations, of the terrible epidemic of yellow fever which visited Norfolk in 1855. Under this scourge, which brought a fearful desolation upon his household, he himself suffered severely, but was spared, and his faithful labors endeared him greatly to the whole community. Since then he has published, "The Christian Doctrine of Slavery," in 1858; "The Theology of Christian Experience," and exposition of the common faith, in 1860, and "The Sacraments of the New Testament," in 1881. All of these are productions of unusual excellence.

Dr. Armstrong's preaching is distinguished for simplicity, both as to matter and manner, for clear, vigorous discussion, and for its evangelical character. His work as a pastor has been greatly blessed, and the church under his care has had a steady, healthful growth. A long life of threescore years and ten, marked by a thoroughly amiable, friendly temper, by earnest, consistent piety, zealous and successful labors, entitles him to the confidence, honor and affection which are amply bestowed wherever he is known.