Samuel Davies Alexander, D.D. (1819-1894)

Samuel Davies Alexander, D.D., the fifth son of Dr. Archibald Alexander, was born at Princeton, N. J., May 3d, 1819, and graduated at the College of New Jersey, in 1838. At firs the studied civil engineering, but afterwards decided to devote himself to the ministry, and entered Princeton Theological Seminary. He was licensed to preach in 1847, and in 1848 was pastor of the church at Port Richmond, Philadelphia. He accepted a call to the Village Church at Freehold, New Jersey, in 1850, and continued in that charge till 1855, when he removed to the City of New York, and became pastor of the Fifteenth Street Church, now the Phillips Church, where he has ever since remained, laboring with faithfulness and success. Dr. Alexander is the author of the article on the “Editions of the Pilgrim’s Progress,” in the volume of the Princeton Review for 1859.