Joseph Patterson Engles (1793-1861)

Engles, Joseph Patterson, the son of Silas and Annie (Patterson) Engles, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., January 3d, 1793, and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1811. In 1813 he was appointed co-master of the Grammar school of that institution. In 1817 he was associated with Samuel B. Wylie, D.D., in conducting an academy, and, after Dr. Wylie's withdrawal from it, it was under his sole charge for twenty-eight years. In February 1845, Mr. Engles was elected by the Board of Publication as its Publishing Agent, and in this position realized the expectations of the friends of the Board. He was an elder in the Scots Presbyterian Church until the time of his death, April 14th, 1861. He was a gentleman of varied literary acquirements, and of signal affability and kindness. The spiritual element of his character was pre-eminent; it entered into his daily life and walk, it permeated all he said and did; to visit the widow and the fatherless, and keep himself unspotted from the world, was his earnest desire, and fully was it realized.