Addresses at the PCUS' Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly

In May 1897, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (the Southern Presbyterian Church) heard eleven addresses in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the Westminster Assembly and its published standards. This volume, entitled Memorial Volume of the Westminster Assembly (1897), is mostly forgotten today - yet it is chock full of rich essays on the confessional standards of our tradition. Here is the table of contents:

1. The Political History of the Time, by Henry Alexander White
2. The Religious Situation of the time, by Robert Price
3. The Westminster Assembly Itself, by T. Dwight Witherspoon
4. The Doctrinal Contents of the Confession, by Robert L. Dabney
5. The Catechisms, by Givens B. Strickler
6. The Polity and Worship of the Standards, by Eugene Daniel
7. The Relation of the Standards to Other Creeds, by James D. Tadlock
8. The Standards and Missionary Activity, by Moses Drury Hoge
9. The Standards in Relation to Current Theology, by Samuel M. Smith
10. The Standards in Relation to Family and Social Life, by John F. Cannon
11. The Standards and Civil Government, by William M. Cox

If you appreciate the Westminster Standards, you will enjoy this book.