We have highlighted Thomas Murphy (1823-1900)'s important work on Pastoral Theology (1877) previously, but additionally, he has written separately on Duties of Church Members to the Church (1878) and People and Pastor: Duties Involved in the Important Relation (1887). Both of these works are filled with practical wisdom and eminently relevant today within the life of any congregation. For a sampling of the topics considered, here is a list of the duties of church members discussed, followed by a list of the relationship aspects between pastors and their flock.
Duties of Church Members:
- To pray for the Church;
- To attend Church;
- To support the Church;
- To draw others to the Church;
- To study the peace of the Church;
- To guard the good name of the Church;
- To stand by the Pastor of the Church;
- To contribute to the benevolent objects of the Church;
- To adopt some branch of Christian work; and
- To help in the Sabbath-school of the Church.
Topics involved in the important relationship between Pastor and the People include:
- "Electing a Pastor"
- "Love Your Own Church"
- "Hearing and Criticising the Sermon"
- "Receiving the Pastor's Visits"
- "Bearing Evil Reports to the Pastor"
- "Guarding the Pastor's TIme"
- "Working With the Pastor"
- "Aiding the Pastor by Attending Church"
- "Drawing Non-Attendants to Church"
- "Minor Duties"
- "Spoiling a Pastor"
- "Guarding the Pastor's Good Name"
- "Pastor's Salary"
- "Prayer for the Pastor"
From an experienced 19th century Presbyterian pastor, there are many practical lessons here that are worth considering today. Consider downloading these books for further study.