Our Newest Publication Will Be Available Soon!

Christ All in All: The Right Temper for a Theologian, by William Swan Plumer, is at the printers! This booklet contains Plumer's two inaugural addresses at Western Theological Seminary and Columbia Theological Seminary. In the first he beautifully portrays the person of Jesus Christ and the importance of keeping Christ at the center of the theological enterprise. In the second, he lays out several characteristics of a theologian after God's own heart. Both addresses are rich and significant for the church today. 

We'll let you know as soon as you can purchase this booklet on our website. Until then, be sure to browse our library and subscribe to our near-daily blog posts. If you haven't checked out the Secondary Sources on American Presbyterianism in our Bookstore, it's worth a look. And if you appreciate all the free materials and blog posts we provide through our website, consider crowdfunding us here
