Have you seen the Compilations page of Log College Press?

If you haven't checked out the Compilations page of Log College Press lately, please do so. We've uploaded several new books, filled with chapters and essays to pique the interest of any lover of Presbyterian history, theology, or biography. Each book has multiple authors on a variety of topics. Here's the current listing of books available at our Compilations page:

Discourses Delivered in Murray Street Church
The Spruce Street Lectures
The Princeton Pulpit
The Man of Business, Considered in His Various Relations
The New York Pulpit in the Revival of 1858
Successful Preaching: Addresses to Theological Students
Memorial Volume of Columbia Theological Seminary
Centennial Addresses of the Presbyterian Church
Princeton Sermons
Southern Presbyterian Pulpit
Memorial Volume of the Westminster Assembly
Calvin Memorial Addresses
Biblical and Theological Studies by the Faculty of Princeton Seminary
The Protestant Reformation and Its Influence