What's in a Name?

If you desire to get to know the growing list of author names at Log College Press, one thing will stand out if you know a bit about Reformed church history. Many of our authors were named after eminent Reformed Christians who went before them. 

Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) named several of his children after notable Christians, including James Waddel Alexander (1804-1859) (named for James Waddel, the "Blind Preacher," Archibald's father-in-law); and Samuel Davies Alexander (1819-1894) (named for Samuel Davies (1723-1761), the "Apostle of Virginia") - also William Cowper Alexander, after William Cowper, the poet.

Elias Boudinot (1802-1839), a Cherokee Indian, was born Gallegina Uwati, also known as Buck Watie, took the name of his mentor, Elias Boudinot IV (1740-1821)

Charles Hodge (1797-1878) named his son Archibald Alexander Hodge (1823-1886) after the elder Hodge's mentor, Archibald Alexander.

James Renwick Wilson Sloane (1823-1886) and James Renwick Willson (1780-1853) were both named for the Scottish Covenanter James Renwick. 

Alexander McLeod Staveley (1816-1903) was likely named for Alexander McLeod (1774-1833), as was James McLeod Willson (1809-1866) (his father J.R. Willson studied theology under Alexander McLeod). 

John Newton Waddel (1812-1895), son of Moses Waddel (1770-1840), was named by his parents after the Anglican minister John Newton - another son was named after the British hymn-writer Isaac Watts. 

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield's (1851-1921) middle name comes from his maternal line and honors his grandfather Robert Jefferson Breckinridge (1800-1871), and others in his distinguished family tree. 

Richard Cameron Wylie (1846-1928) is named for the Scottish Covenanter Richard Cameron. 

These names tell us something about the Presbyterian heritage that has been treasured and passed down. Get to know these writers, as well as who they are named for, and others here at Log College Press, who have many fascinating biographies and family trees, as well as their writings.