A Visit to Princeton

In the library and the bookstore of the Log College Press, resources on the College of New Jersey, or Princeton, abound. 

In particular, from the library, Archibald Alexander's biographical sketches and sermons from the Log College; Samuel Davies Alexander's and John DeWitt's volumes on Princeton College; histories of the College of New Jersey by William Armstrong Dod and John Maclean, Jr.; and Samuel Miller's history of Princeton Theological Seminary. 

And from the bookstore, David B. Calhoun's 2-volume set on Princeton Seminary; James Garrettson's multiple volume on Princeton; James Moorhead's Princeton Seminary in American Religion and Culture; Mark A. Noll's volumes on Princeton; Gary Steward's Princeton Seminary; and Gordon S. Mikoski and Richard R. Osmer With Piety and Learning: The History of Practical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary 1812-2012; among other volumes of interest. 

This writer, before he was born again, by the grace of God, had occasion to visit Princeton once, in the providence of God, around three decades ago. But another opportunity has arisen to visit again. Having studied most of the volumes mentioned above, and taken a virtual tour of the Princeton Cemetery, I wish to ask the readers of this blog, are there additional resources that you would recommend to one who is interested in the history and library of Princeton before this trip takes place in mid-June 2018, DV? If so, please write to us - your feedback will be most appreciated, and may help to make Log College Press a better site.