19th-20th Century Black Presbyterians

Yesterday, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) elected its first African-American Moderator, Dr. Irwyn Ince (who, coincidentally, also wrote the Foreword to our upcoming book, Meditations on Preaching, by Francis Grimke - available for Pre-Order on Amazon here!). In his Moderator's Address, Dr. Ince mentioned the impact that discovering African-American Presbyterian fathers in the faith had on his spiritual development and his love for the PCA. How easy it is to be unaware, or forget, that there have been Black Presbyterian pastors from the earliest days of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America! Many of these fathers and their published works are on the Log College Press website:

Matthew Anderson
Titus Basfield
William Thomas Catto
John Chavis
John Gloucester
Henry Highland Garnet
Francis James Grimke
James William Charles Pennington
William Henry Sheppard
Theodore Sedgwick Wright

We don't have all the published works of these men on our site yet, so if you know of some books or sermons or articles that we can upload to our site, please contact us! Likewise, let us know of other African-American Presbyterians from the 18th through the early 20th centuries, so we can put them on our website as well. God has been at work through the history of our country, even through long seasons of pain and oppression, to build His church (even the Presbyterian church) from all ethnicities. May He continue to do as He writes our history in this generation.