Log College Press Roundup - November 18, 2019

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November 2019 has been a busy month at Log College Press. On the heels of our release of Thomas Smyth’s The Mission of Parenting: Raising Children Who Love the Mission of God in October, as well as Gardiner Spring’s Letter to a Young Clergyman as a PDF tract, another new publication is now available: Alexander McLeod’s Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth. We are very excited about these new releases, it is our prayer that they will be a blessing to the 21st century church, as they were to the church of the 19th century.

Meanwhile, since November 1st, many new authors and works have been added to the website. Some have been suggested or provided by our good friend Wayne Sparkman of the PCA Historical Center. Consider the following:

New Authors Added:

Select New Titles Added:

We are always seeking to grow and build on the vision that we have to make early American Presbyterian writers and their primary works more accessible, more available to readers who share our passion for this rich heritage. Check out some of these authors and their writings, and keep checking in to see what’s new. And, as always, thank you for your interest and support!