To live forever with our Savior: A poem by J.F. Bair for a snowy day

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Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isa. 1:18).

On a snowy day, one cannot help but remember the words of the prophet Isaiah. John Franklin Bair (1867-1951) was also mindful of this verse in a selection from The Complete Poetical Works of Rev. John Franklin Bair (1907).

I Live to Thee My Savior

Jesus, I will forever live
To thee my Savior and my Lord,
Who doth to ev'ry sinner give
Comfort and joy through thy blest Word.

E'en though my sins as scarlet be
And I by them am plunged in woe,
Still thy blest Word doth say to me,
They shall be made white as the snow.

Thanks be to thee, O God, for this
Blessed assurance thou dost give,
That I with thee in joy and bliss ,
In heaven shall forever live.

To thee, O God, the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, blessed three,
One God in three and three in one,
Be glory through eternity.