Remarks on the Providence of God by Alexander McLeod

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…what in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support;
That, to the height of this great argument,
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men. — John Milton, Paradise Lost, Bk. 1, Lines 22-26

These lines are quoted by Alexander McLeod in a 2-part essay which appeared in the November and December 1822 issues of The Evangelical Witness. The essay, Remarks on the Providence of God, is based on the words of the Psalmist:

The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleth over all (Ps. 103:193).

In defense of what McLeod calls a “mysterious” but “undeniable” doctrine from Scripture — “divine overruling providence” — our author demonstrates that it is reasonable to acknowledge God’s providence over all, that it is a doctrine derived and proved from Scripture, and that objections to the doctrine may be satisfactorily answered.

Looking to the heavens, the seat of God’s throne, one cannot rationally see chaos as the overriding principle of the universe. McLeod points out that all nations acknowledge a God of some sort. Instead, the systemic harmony and connections found in nature speak to the creation of a wise and omnipotent Creator who reigns supreme over all. In concurrence with Romans 1, McLeod argues that all of nature is witness to this truth, that there is, and must be, a God who rules from above.

The “most conclusive” evidence for the doctrine of providence comes from Scripture. From the story of Joseph and his brothers, McLeod shows that God, without being the author of sin, was sovereign over all that happened in Joseph’s life and wrought good out of evil. From the prophecies of Scripture, fulfilled in history, he shows that God’s purposes must of necessity be accomplished though their outworking may outspan the lives of men and the duration of kingdoms, which is only possible for One who rules over time and space. He further elaborates on this by discussing the meaning of Eph. 1:11; Prov. 26:33; Luke 12:6-7; and Ps. 147:4, 17; all of which affirm that God governs the world even in the minutest of details.

After addressing several objections to the doctrine of providence, in particular the usual claim that it makes God the author of sin, McLeod goes on to leave his readers on a great practical encouraging note.

God, indeed, is king over all the earth . His power and his sovereignty are pledged in covenant by his word and his oath, in defence of the redeemed. His all-pervading providence is especially employed in their interest; and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Murmur not at his dispensations; for the most painful afflictions act, at his command, to promote your everlasting welfare. Droop not at the remembrance of your own unworthiness; for the Lord hath not forgotten you. He that spareth not his own son but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things.

Christians! your Redeemer reigneth. He directs in providence over all the earth. While natural causes proceed to their effects in their natural course, while the moral world proceeds in its successive generations, with an agency that is voluntary. He by a supernatural power controls all causes and results, and gives to them a direction subservient to the interests of his church. The building is safe upon the rock: and the living stones of the temple shall live forevermore. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their king. God in your own nature, your husband, and your high priest, rules upon his throne. Touched with a sense of your infirmities, he will not leave you comfortless. He will guide you with his counsel and afterwards receive you to glory. Praise the Lord, O! Jerusalem; praise thy God, O! Zion, who hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleth over all.

Read the full essay here, and consider his helpful exposition of a verse and a principle that is of the highest importance and the greatest comfort to every believer. Hallelujah, the Lord reigns over all!