The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia

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Philip Schaff, the Reformed scholar and historian, was a prolific writer who produced several sets of great interest to readers in his day, as well as ours.

In the past we have highlighted Schaff’s 8-volume History of the Christian Church and his 3-volume Creeds of Christendom. Today we take note of another addition to his page at Log College Press. Both the 3-volume A Religious Encyclopedia (1882-1884) and the 13-volume The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (1908-1914) are now available to read. The latter is the expanded edition, published posthumously, of the former, all of which are based on the original work of Johann Jakob Herzog’s Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche (1853–1868). Schaff edited an additional work titled Encyclopedia of Living Divines and Christian Workers of All Denominations in Europe and America, Being a Supplement to Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (1887).

We have recently added his assistant editor, Samuel Macauley Jackson (1851-1912), to Log College Press, and are working to add more of his works, including those which he jointly produced with Philip Schaff.

Together the volumes produced by these men contain a wealth of information historical, biographical and theological. The student of church history will benefit from this valuable 19th and early 20th century scholarship. Peruse these resources on the Philip Schaff page, and avail yourself of this great treasure.