Jacob Jones Janeway's Study Guides on Romans and Hebrews

If you're teaching Romans or Hebrews in Sunday School or a Bible study right now, check out the catechetical expositions by Jacob Jones Janeway. Here is an example from the Hebrews study guide:

Q. 28. What great work has this Divine person done for us? v. 3.
A. By himself he purged our sins.

Q. 29. What does this presuppose?
A. It presupposes the assumption of human nature by the Son, into a personal union with his divine nature.

Q. 30. How did the Son by himself purge our sins? v. 3.
A. He accomplished this great work, " by the sacrifice of himself," (chap. ix. 26,) by "bearing our sins in his own body on the tree." 1 Pet. ii. 2.24. Thus he satisfied divine justice, and made atonement for our sins.

Q. 31. What signal honour was conferred on the Son for accomplishing this great work for sinful men ? v. 3.
A. He "sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high."

Q. 32. By whom was this infinite honour conferred?
A. By God the Father. See Ephes. i. 20—23. Phil. ii. 9-11.

Q. 33. Could the Son receive this honour as God? v. 3. 
A. He received it in his mediatorial person, as God and man in one person.

Q. 34. Could a mere creature be thus highly exalted?
A. No mere creature could be so highly exalted. The divinity of our Saviour's person qualified him to receive, in his mediatorial character, such infinite honour.

These questions continue for 140 pages, so there is a lot of material here for teachers to use in classroom settings or in 1-1 discipleship.